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Food Photography #2 colour corrected.jpg
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Eating patterns have changed due to the hectic lifestyles in urban cities, hence the demand for prepacked food has been on the rise. In the exploration of the future of prepackaged food, the theme of emotional eating (binging) was selected as the main focus of this project. Gluttony is a Food and Packaging Design project focused on tackling the issue of binging among teenagers and workaholics.


Based on the information from market research, it was derived that chips are one of the most popular food to binge, but it is also one of the unhealthiest prepackaged food in the market.

In tackling the situation, chips alternatives such as kale, beetroot and apple chips were thought to be healthier substitutes in completing a meal.


The structure of the packaging was inspired by Bloom Chips’s expandable cylindrical shape, however, the thicker ridges play a psychological factor in delivering the impression of more volume within the tube. This discourages consumers from overeating.

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© 2020 by LIONEL CHANG

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